Marc Dechmann

Marc Dechmann, Partner at Kessels & Smit in Germany

What became important to me in innovative consulting with more than 20 years of experience in HR top management - a selction of thoughts:


"Leadership-Bullshit-Bingo" is tiring. There have been new trends in leadership for decades - and all have their justification. But I'm getting tired of them more and more - they're too normative for me. If production has a trend towards individualization - why not the style of leadership? In leadership theory bullshit bingo the solution usually is not found - more likely they can be found in individual approaches to support new learning...


VUCA world* - a challenge ahead. If it is true that we are experiencing unprecedented acceleration and increasing complexity, then the answer is not deceleration/ slowing down. The answer is to become more essential - to create more resonance: in terms of focus, in terms of what is "there". And in terms of being in rich relationships with my environment. And this is really new - this requires a different leadership!


Starting from what already is. My work with executives, teams and organizations focuses on the "secret of their success" - on the existing talents - on the positive narratives. The aim is to strengthen the organisation - not to make it (even) more shaky with a critical analysis. Building on the positive resources, challenges can be mastered - and then there is the confidence and energy to set off together. This creates space and energy for creating the new.


Experience is useful. I bring almost 20 years of leadership experience to my consulting - in addition to my experience as a senior coach and process consultant: this helps me to quickly understand my clients and become effective - and to be successful with my clients.  


Interested in contact to deepen your questions? Very Welcome!



Marc (Dechmann)


P.S.: I work in German and English.

*VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity

How I like to work - with the example of transformation processes and leadership development


Transformation Processes / Organizational Development. When things get tricky and complicated - then I am in my element. "A good ending starts with a good beginning." - It is important to me to really grasp the current situation of the organisation in order to be able to connect. "You cannot leave from where you not are". Understanding where the organisation stands today - in its talent, in its emotion, in the common sense is essential. Then to pay attention to what is necessary to invite the crew to the decision: Are you on board? "People will respect the decisions of management - but will act only on their own conclusions". A really well-designed change process is characterized by consistency: To develop a change design in which the desired future can already be experienced. Changes only happen when someone changes something. "It's easier to act yourself into new ways of thinking than to think yourself into new ways of acting": Best of all myself and today. In small steps to try out the future already today. "Even the longest journey begins with the first step..."

The rest will come - and of course it will be cleverly designed!


Leadership development. Leadership seminars are unfair in a way: often young managers are sent off-site to a training course and are supposed to adjust it to their home-organisation. As if they were the only ones who really make the difference: too narrow - too mechanistic - and a degradation of the employees as passive "human resources". Embedding leadership development in the working world - not organizing it as an extra workload - is exciting. Inviting the teams to learn along, because they have considerable benefits and considerable participation in good leadership! I find it attractive to think in this direction of leadership development!



... how to develop ...

"It is easier to act yourself into new ways of thinking than to think yourself into new ways of acting!"
Millard Fuller
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... rich relations ...

"A person only becomes a self through encountering the other!"
Martin Buber
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Inspirations on youTube...

Sir Ken Robinson

Life is your talents discovered (2014)


school kills creativity (2007)


changing education paradigms (2008)


Randy Pausch

the last lecture (short)


the last lecture (long)


Robert Waldinger

What makes a good life? Results from the longest study on happiness


Prince EA

I sue the school system



A wakeup call of the youth



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