K&S: an inspiring organisational model! Semi-finals HCI Prize

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We are truly delighted: our Kessels & Smit story has been chosen as one of the ten most ‘inspiring, challenging and surprising’ examples of innovation in management from around the globe. 


This was announced as we were selected into the semi-finals of the HCI prize - a prestigious competition with judges such as Gary Hamel, Marcus Buckingham and other pioneering minds in organisational and management development. The organisers - The Management Innovation eXchange (The MIX) and Human Capital Institute wil select three finalists later in February.


What’s it all about?

The Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) is an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century. The premise: 'while "modern" management is one of humankind's most important inventions, it is now a mature technology that must be reinvented for a new age.'

Together with the Human Capital Institute, MIX made the call to find inspiring stories of how people are reinventing management.


Our story

Of course, this rings loudly for Kessels & Smit and the way we work. So we we submitted an entry to the competition. With our story, we do not propose an experiment, a dream or a solution –instead, we present a reality to share.


In our entry, we explain how we are a managerless organisation – dedicated to working as a ‘laboratory’ in which we constantly explore and learn about how to build an organisation in which people can learn while contributiong to organisational and societal issues that are important to us. Principles that are central to our way of working are human passion, personal responsibility, mutual attractiveness and strong relationships.


A ‘learning company’

In our entry we explain the story of how K&S has developed: from Joseph Kessels’ and Cora Smit’s first ‘triggers’ in looking for managerless ways of working, through to other moments that inspired colleagues to shape K&S into the company it is today.  Of course, a consistent message is that we don’t have all the answers – that we are always searching, learning and adapting. We also openly share what makes things work – and what makes things difficult.


The future of organisations

At the heart of the HCI/MIX competition is a really important issue: how DO we build organisations fit for human beings – fit for our future as human beings. As a group that is passionate about learning, change and innovation, we cannot help but be excited about this call to action.


What next?

In February we will be preparing a final presentation. Three winners will be announced later this month. All ten top-stories can be read on the Internet, and readers can comment and vote. We will also attend a festive conference in the US with the other nominees: an excellent opportunity to share, learn and connect with like-minded organisations and interesting partners.


About the Mix

The MIX and partner organisation, the Human Capital Institute announced the semifinalists for the HCI Human Capital M-Prize on the 3rd February.


You can see our full contribution here: Being a true learning company: living the dream.


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