Talent Week: kans voor Europese jongeren

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Van 25-29 juni organiseren Kessels & Smit en Stichting Take a Step Talent Week. Een programma van een week, speciaal voor jonge mensen om te ontdekken waar hun kracht ligt. Het staat open voor Europese jongeren van buiten Nederland. Hieronder lees je meer - in het Engels, om de blogtekst ook toegankelijk te maken voor de doelgroep. Op www.talentweek.nl is meer informatie te vinden.


Talent Week


This summer Kessels & Smit and Take a Step will organise Talent Week. This is a one week program for 20 young people to discover what it means for them to be ‘in your element’. The element is described as the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. When people are in their element, they feel most themselves, happy and inspired. They also achieve their highest performance level.


We find that a lot of young people are unsure as to what their talents & passions are and therefore find it difficult to find a context that brings out the best in them. Talent Week is meant for people to get a much better idea of what it means for them to be in their element and how they can achieve that more easily.


Four components

The element consists of four components: strengths, passion, attitude and opportunity. A strength is a natural facility for something or in other words: a talent. A passion is something that you love to do. Your attitude is your own perspective on yourself and your circumstances. The last component is opportunity, which means that whether or not we’ll be in our element depends on the opportunities we have or create. You can find your element by exploring and combining the four components. The result will be different for everyone, as we all have our own way of being in our element.


During Talent Week we’ll spend time discovering each of the four components of the element; strengths, passion, attitude and opportunity. On the fifth day we’ll conclude the program with a one-day Talent Festival. This will be an informal, versatile event for around 150 people with expositions, workshops and entertainment. Part of the week will be spent preparing for this festival, using what everyone has learned about your strengths, passion & attitude.


Apply before April 29

Talent Week will take place June 25-29, 2012 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. There are 20 places available in the program for people from Europe in the age of 18-35. The program is free and we’ll also pay for the travel & subsistence costs, thanks to a grand we received from the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning program.


You can apply to take part in the Talent Week program if you are between 18 – 35 years old and you live in one of the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. You unfortunately cannot participate if you are from The Netherlands due to the financial provisions of the Grundtvig programme. If you’d like to join, go to www.talentweek.nl to read about the application process. The deadline for sending in your application is April 29, 2012.

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