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Disturbing the system

par: Suzanne Verdonschot web 111976674546 Suzanne Verdonschot, Heike Wabbels - ; Source Develop nr 3-2006, p.57-63   03-07-2024

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Peter Kruse is intrigued by how the brain works. His experience in the field of brain science inspired him to work with organisations that have the ambition to change. He sees companies as intelligent systems in which every individual counts. He doesn't believe in ready-made solutions. He believes in generating a dynamic in which the people in the organisation master the process of change in a structured interplay of bottum-up recommendations and top-down decisions. On a sunny day at the end of april, we met Peter Kruse at his consulting company Nextpractice near the old harbour of Bremen, where his office is located. We had an inspiring conversation about the world of change, system thinking and the use of Nextpractice-tools to support the process of change.