New: Caleidoscopio Cards No2

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Two years after releasing the first edition all sets are sold out. The cards are used in more than 20 countries all over the world. Australia, Afghanistan, South Africa, Tunesia, Liechtenstein, Great Britain, USA, Dominican Republic, Argentina… just to name a few.


We are very happy that apart from a second print of the first, we can also present a second set with additional pictures. Not only did Frauke and Annette continue to take pictures during the past two years, they also received feedback of people wishing for more motives, for additional cards that can be used on their own or with the first set.


Release date Caleidoscopio Cards No2

On November 25th we will officially launch the second set with a festive event in Hamburg, Germany, together with the a German toolbox around innovation, Innovationen im Hier und Jetzt. In case you are curious to know more, check the website.

Special Offer

We have a special offer for pre-orders of Caleidoscopio Cards No. 2! You can already now order the set via our webshop. Every set of Caleidoscopio Cards ordered in November 2015 comes with 5 extra cards. These cards aren’t available in any set.



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