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Taking care of yourself in a lockdown

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How can you continue to take good care of yourself in these exceptional circumstances? With these 16 tips you can get started right away. The new coronavirus keeps us all under the spell and in the house. Those who don't work overtime in care, try to get the work done at home in combination with a busy family life and a house that is completely turned upside down. For many the pace goes down drastically, for others it feels as if it has never been so busy.

Maybe sooner or later we all have to go through covid-19. By continuing to take good care of yourself, you increase your health and your resilience against the virus. In the coming period it will certainly be necessary to make healthy choices with an increased awareness. The 'Kopmanwiel' can help you with that. With these tips we want to help you on your way.



Stay active     

  • Move enough during the day: go for a walk, do everything on foot or by bike, start a vegetable garden, get the job done... Don't exaggerate when exercising: by 'going too deep', you suppress your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections...
  • Provide a good rhythm: the basis of good health is a good biorhythm. Get enough sleep and get up at the same hour every day. Don't eat all day long and make sure there is enough variety in your day.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables: the fibres in vegetables ensure a healthy intestinal flora, which offers the best protection against germs. Avoid sugars, alcohol and processed foods: they promote inflammation, disrupt your immune system and make you more susceptible to infections. Cook fresh and healthy.
  • Go outside a lot: fresh air and sunlight are good for you. But did you know that going outside a lot is a huge boost for your biorhythm? Nature is also full of good bacteria that make you healthier and protect you against diseases.


Make space in your head  

  • Be kind to yourself. These are exceptional circumstances. You may not be as productive as you'd like. (Neither are the others). It is what it is. Let it go.
  • Structure your day: work and life are completely mixed up and any balance gets lost. Structure your day so that you're not doing everything 'half' all day long. Provide defined time for sports, for eating together, for school work, chores, relaxation...
  • Clean up: start at your workplace, then your house, the garage, the attic... Do the chores that are long overdue. Physical tidying also takes care of mental tidying. Throw away what you no longer need and make room for the new.
  • Learn: read the books that have been on the shelf for a long time. Learning new things gives you more peace, more mental energy and also brings feelings of hope and optimism.



Stay connected

  • Enjoy the time with the family: it's allowed! You can be there to do fun things with your partner and your kids. Play games, do arts and crafts, go 'bear hunting', make music together, play sports...
  • Keep in touch with your colleagues: make sure you don't completely lose touch with your colleagues. Contact each other, organize a weekly online team meeting. And talk about more than just work. Ask the question: "how are you doing now?"
  • Go online at the cafe: aperitifs with the family on Friday evening, a good conversation with friends on weekends, it's all possible online. Don't be stopped and make plans for that barbecue when the lockdown is over.
  • Build in enough me-time: Living with others 24/7 is not easy for anyone. Make sure you have an escape route, that you can get away from it, even if it's only for a moment. Create your own personal spot. Don't lose sight of yourself in all the hustle and bustle.



Nourish your soul

  • (Re)connect with nature: nature comes much closer again. Everything is quiet, you can hear the birds whistling and spring awakening. We are all part of a greater whole. Embrace the (re)new(d)e connection and enjoy it.
  • Share your worries: many people ask themselves existential questions in this uncertain period (what will come up, how long will it take, will I be affected or people I love, will I still have a job when this is over...). You may not be alone with these worries. Talk about it with others: shared burden makes it more bearable.
  • Contribute: research how you can do something small or large from your place in this society to help others: make mouth masks, do some shopping or make food for the elderly, do volunteer work in a hospital....
  • Be open to what is to come: there will be a time before corona and a time after corona. We do not yet know what will come after, but it will probably be different than before. Be curious about the seeds of a new era. Embrace the unknown and not knowing what we are in now.


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