An appreciative eye and
clear questions to help you

Individual Coaching

How do I increase the impact on my team?

What exactly are my talents and how can I use them in my role?

How do I balance my work and my private life?

How do I push my boundaries?

How do I deal with obstructive thoughts?


From being stuck to movement

Dealing with struggles at work. Preparing yourself for the next step in your career. Developing yourself in your role. Or just: not knowing whether you are still on the right track with your approach. Every professional and manager experiences these situations. Personal coaching can help you to understand what is going on and find new answers. And grow and learn from the experience. Kessels & Smit coaches mirror, ask questions, create space to think. And help you find your own authentic solutions. Always based on your own strengths. Because copying others only works to a limited extent.


Do you take good care of yourself?

Your working life probably doesn’t look much different from ours: with many possibilities and high ambitions. Your daily job, an upcoming promotion, a course, your family, holidays and travels, they fill up your calendar and your mind…. You'd almost forget to live. A dear grandmother would say: 'Are you taking good care of yourself?' How do you keep everything balanced? The answer is closer than you think: it lies within you. But to find it, you have to take the time to think about your way of living and working. We can support you with that.


Down-to-earth and sensitive

Our approach to coaching has several dimensions. We explore with you to find out what drives you, what you are good at and where all this has already brought you. We analyse, in the sense that we dive deeper into your dilemmas or painful moments to discover underlying patterns, hindering factors and other barriers. And we help you experiment – in the sense that we encourage you to try out different thoughts and new practical approaches. First small-scale and then bigger. Until it's a new habit. And new ideas and insights really take root. What you learn, you don't forget anymore.


Choosing your coach

The professional coaches at Kessels & Smit are pleasantly different. What we have in common is our personal involvement, our strengths-based approach and a way of working in which the initiative really rests with you as coachee. We have all studied basic theory and techniques of the coaching profession, such as strengths-based working, systemic perspective, solution focused coaching and voice dialogue. We also have our own specialisations. Some people like to make walks in nature, others are adept at making powerful systems configurations. Some like to work with leadership questions, others with life questions. We know that a ‘click’ with your coach is the most important success factor. So we always encourage you to choose your own coach. Someone who fits you and what you want to learn.

What people are saying

'Coaching gives me insights at a deep level into the many questions and uncertainties that I have as a starting manager. It helps me find a personal style. Also, thanks to the coaching, I am better able to put things into perspective and find peace and quiet in difficult moments.'
Hans, editor-in-chief
'I am now more conscious of my time and can respond much better to all expectations from my surroundings. This deep change was only possible because of the profound and focused reflections that I engaged in with my coach.'
Wim, production manager
'Coaching has made me realize how much I have always expected of myself in life and how difficult I have made it for myself with this.
A process of change has now actually begun. I am growing as as a person and as a professional.'
Renée, strategic consultant
'My coaching gives me an insight into the origin of my behaviour and thoughts. As well as practical approaches that make me more deliberate and effective in my actions.'
René, school principal
'My question was about building trust with my team. Through the coaching, I have developed approaches that I now use on a daily basis when working with my colleagues.'
Mikaël, CEO

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