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With all of my passion I stepped in the role of starting Kessels & Smit in Germany two years ago. Since then my dream was and still is to realize a new workplace culture. And I found out that my dream goes beyond consulting work as we know it today. Therefore I had to take a decision for one or the other.
Starting exbuero
Eventually I decided to stay true to my deepest dreams and follow my heart as the founder of exbuero www.exbuero.com – a laboratory for new work places located in Berlin. This has become a company that reflects my deepest beliefs, world views and assumptions about the future of work.
Together with the vibrant co-working space betahaus my team and I are now offering a 240m² room in which people from organizations can explore and create their own working place of the future. In order to give the participants of our workshops guidance we developed seven modules around different office topics. They will be facilitated by us, a team of systemic professionals, psychologists and design thinkers. Furthermore we have a setting of various props for playful interventions and creations.
Stepping out of the office comfort zone
In fact we are interested in supporting people by stepping out of their office comfort zone. We want to explore how workplaces look when mirroring personal authentic dreams of a lifetime. exbuero enables this kind of learning by doing. Here, ideas which were anticipated in theory can be put to test in reality: the radically different team meeting, a work space that fulfills ones dreams,
a guided meditation over lunch break, you name it. Everything one can think of is possible here. The only limit is your imagination.
The whole experience has a radically simple theme: Create your working environment the way you like it.
For further information please feel free to contact me at maren.hessler@exbuero.com and on +49.(0)170.4890794. Or just step by whenever you are in Berlin and would like to visit our lab!